Bridlington Harbour Commissioners
Bridlington’s magnificent harbour is a living reminder of Bridlington through the ages. It is also a dynamic business hub, crucial to the town and its residents.
At the helm are the Bridlington Harbour Commissioners, a group of individuals, supported by an administrative team, who manage, protect and develop all aspects of the harbour and its activities.
From the bait man to the major landing companies on the South Pier, from tourism to tide tables, it is the Harbour Commissioners who help to bring everything together to make our harbour a UK-wide success.
Under the guidance of the Commissioners, the harbour estate will continue to play a vital role in the well-being of Bridlington’s economy, providing much needed local employment and career opportunities, encouraging investment and promoting tourism to the Yorkshire region and further afield.
It is the very heart of our town, our community, and as well as being home to the scores of men and women who earn their livelihood here, it is also a magnet for the tens of thousands of people who visit Bridlington every summer for their holidays or family days out.
Our harbour is a place for fun and relaxation, for hard work, for sight-seeing, for businesses – it’s a lifestyle the Commissioners are determined to protect and prolong.
For more information, or if you have any questions on what we do, please use the form on our Contact Page or call us on 01262 670148. The harbour offices at open 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday. The harbour is manned 24 hours, 7 days per week.