About Us

Most people have heard of the Bridlington Harbour Commissioners but not everyone is aware of the full extent and importance of their duties.

Established in 1697 by Act of Parliament, the body has played a key role in the resort’s history, helping to maintain a haven for fishermen as well as providing a base and structure where local trades and commerce can flourish.

Today, the Harbour Commissioners are taking care of a harbour that continues to lead the way for the British shellfish industry.

The harbour is home to almost 100 mostly small businesses providing employment for almost 400 people and playing an essential and integral role in the resort’s economy.

Bridlington Harbour Commissioners estate includes crane wharf, 13 shops and public toilets, the former Harbour Master’s offices, the South Pier and all its facilities, and the Lawrence Complex, which incorporates a hotel, chandlery, restaurants and café.

Working at the helm of the harbour is Mr Lawrence Porter.  Lawrence has been employed by the Commissioners for some 17 years and in April 2020 was promoted to Harbour Master.

The Annual Accounts for Bridlington harbour are available to view at Bridlington Reference Library, King Street.

Bridlington Harbour Commissioners operate a Complaints/Grievance Policy.  Any complaints or grievances must be raised in the first instance to the Chairman of Bridlington Harbour Commissioners via the Harbour Master.  The complaint/grievance will be required in writing in order to process it in the correct manner.

The current Bridlington Harbour Commissioners are:

  • Mr N S N  Orum (Chairman)
  • Mr M Boyers (Vice-Chairman)
  • Mr N Woodhouse
  • Mr A Wheeler
  • Mr M A Beckett
  • Mr D Screeton
  • Mr T Sampson
  • Mr P Reynard
  • Mr P Pannett
  • Mr J A Terschak
  • Mr L Porter (Chief Executive)

Within the Bridlington Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2004 Bridlington Harbour Commissioners have established a stakeholder group named the Consultative Body.  Bridlington Harbour Commissioners consult with the Consultative Body twice yearly, on all matters affecting the harbour.